Living, Sharing, & Celebrating Christ's Love in Our Community

Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod 

  About  /  Walk By Faith

St. Paul's 11th Annual Walk by Faith

In honor of Caleb Mark Bertagnoli

Sunday, September 27

St. Paul's Lutheran Church and School and Daycare

Walk proceeds will be given to various areas of the church, school, and daycare.



Join us in this effort to support St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School. This year's walk will be a walk in your neighborhood. Due to social distance requirements we won't be having the traditional Walk By Faith Events.

For those that would like to raise money in addition to the registration fee, please feel free to do so and bring it in an envelope to the registration table on the day of the event. 

Walk By Faith schedule of events:

9:30  Registration begins

10:30 Drive-In worship service - You will be directed where to park. 

After Church - Wear your Walk By Faith T-shirt and walk through your neighborhood.

Registration Information

Pre registrations received by September 9 will guarantee a t-shirt and an entry in the drawing for a prize basket. Late registrants will receive a t-shirt the week after the walk. 

Shirt pick up in is fellowship hall Thursday Sept 24 and Friday Sept 25 from 7:45am-8:15am and 3:00pm-3:30pm


Entry Fees
$15 adult pre-registration

$10 under 14 pre-registration


$18 registrations received after September 10, including the day of the walk.

Payment portal

This link will take you to the payment portal. Please note that you must register if you want to receive a Walk T-shirt. Thank you for supporting the Walk By Faith!


Walk by Faith Video