Living, Sharing, & Celebrating Christ's Love in Our Community

Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod 

  Church  /  Women in Mission

Women In Mission (St. Paul's LWML)

Because of Covid our plans may be adjusted from time to time. You may want to check back occasionally for updated plans.

We will be updating members with any major changes via e-mail or phone call.

St. Paul's Lutheran Women's Missionary League

"Serve the Lord with gladness" Psalm 100:2

To help St. Paul's women Grow spiritually in LOVE 

Respond by growing & reaching in LOVE through

Serve others in LOVE through MISSION SERVICE

Gather funds in LOVE for MISSION GRANTS

 Purple and gold

The purpose of the South Wisconsin District Lutheran Women’s Missionary League of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod is to assist each woman in the congregations of our District in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled, through the local society, to use her Spirit-endowed gifts in reaching out with Christ’s love to all the people of her church, neighborhood, and the world. 

We are a local chapter (in Zone 19) of the South Wisconsin District LWML: 

which is a part of the larger organization:

Thanks for your mites!
Mite Explanation and History - Lutheran Women's Missionary League

Over the years LWML has accomplished so much with what feels like so little.  Nationwide together, we are funding over $1 million each year for mission grants around the globe.  Please click this link ( to see some specific examples of what God is doing with those seemingly insignificant coins when we trust Him with what we give. 

If you would like to contribute to mites, please feel free to grab a cardboard box in the church narthex.  Then empty your coins into the big wooden box from time to time.  Many of us pray silently as we give.

Upcoming Quilting Dates:


Quilting and Work Day activities are HANDS-ON mission projects where we serve the Lord with our hands (and feet in some cases)  On quilting days we make quilts for relief organizations like Orphan Grain Train.  The quilts are used by displaced or needy people, often after a tragedy, like an earthquake or hurricane.  In addition to a blanket, individuals use the quilt for whatever is needed - a makeshift tent, a baby sling, bed, etc.  Given the utilitarian nature of the quilts, beauty and intricacy is less important than durability.  No special skills are required.  If you have a desire to help a stranger through a trying time in his/her life, come to a quilting event and you will be shown what to do.  Beginners often start with simple knot-tying, but anyone with more experience will also find plenty to do laying out tops and backs, sewing bindings, etc.  Those with advanced sewing skills can also contribute by making quilts for the annual quilt auction held in the fall/winter.

On work days we often have many different projects set out.  Pillowcase dresses are made for young girls in poor regions to boost self esteem.  In the Girls Helping Girls project, washable menstrual pads are sewn and assembled into kits to help girls attend school throughout the month.  Help is needed for everything from sewing the products, to ironing, cutting, and packing materials for shipping.

We typically meet in Fellowship Hall (the church basement) all day for one of the days (9am to 3pm) (bringing a bagged lunch if you are staying through the lunch hour) and half a day on the other day we meet (9am to noon, or noon to 3pm).  Coffee is provided.  One great feature of quilting times is the fellowship.  As our hands are busy, we are getting to know one another.  Please consider joining us, even if it is just to stop in for an hour.  All help is appreciated!

De-Coding the LWML

If you are new to the LWML, the following info might be helpful


We meet on the third Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise printed or announced.  Members sign up to be a hostess for one month out of the year, which usually consists of providing refreshments for the meeting fellowship time. Hostesses for each meeting choose their own chairman if needed. If you cannot serve during the month assigned, PLEASE TRADE WITH ANOTHER MEMBER.  We meet in Fellowship Hall (the Church Basement) unless otherwise noted. 

There are no dues, but offerings are received each month for LWML mites, a designated mission project and society expenses.  All women of the congregation are invited!! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER TO ATTEND MEETINGS, EVENTS OR SERVICE PROJECTS. Guests are always welcome!

You may see baskets with money on the front table at our meetings.  What is this all about???  Members bring small offerings each to meeting as they are led and able.  Guests are welcome to contribute as well.

*MITES - Offerings placed in mite boxes for LWML mission grants - often our loose change. As members place their offerings in the box, a prayer is offered to God in thankfulness for His blessings and guidance. 75% of these monies go to the Dist. LWML projects and 25% goes to National LWML projects each selected biennially.

*MISSION OFFERING – A basket is set out at each meeting for a designated mission project as decided by the group each year.

*MISSION GRANTS – Annual gifts given to our chosen recipients. These gifts are received from a Lenten supper, Ladies Aid & LWML fall supper and from a silent auction featuring some of our hand-made quilts. Personal gifts are also accepted.  Members puts together proposals for who is to get the grants, and vote each year about distributing funds we have collected throughout the year.

*SOCIETY EXPENSES- A basket is available at each meeting to be used for Standing Projects and society administration. Included are rally, retreat, and convention offerings; Standing and ad hoc committee expenses; Memorials for departed members & Lutheran Hour membership. Members pay for their LWML Quarterly.

*BIRTHDAY OFFERINGS - Individual members may give a gift during her birthday month out of joy for the years our Lord has given, which may be placed in the birthday basket.  The money will go toward our Mission Grants.

***INGATHERING***  These are items being collected for a specific group or cause that you can choose to bring to each meeting as another type of offering.

Questions about this web page or St Paul's Women in Mission (LWML)?