"Stephen Ministry": Throughout the Bible God asks us to listen to Him because He is the only voice (including our own) who we should listen to for guidance in our day to day life. In this session we will hear what God says about listening to Him, learn some active listening skills for practical use in everyday life, and learn how the Stephen Ministry program at St. Paul's is using the Holy Spirit and listening skills to help hurting people in our congregation.
"Depression in the life of a Christian": Many of us have some sort of exposure to depression; whether we ourselves struggle or someone we know and love does. Join us in this breakout as we discuss how God has called us to be ministers of the Gospel to those who suffer from depression.
"Give it to God or Bang your Head on the Table - It's Your Call": "Give it to God", "Let God be in control", "Let go and let God"...when you go to others for help, this is often the answer our Christian friends give us. "Huh? How do I do that?!" I will share my personal experience with a little humor, and offer real ways you can let God guide you in your life decisions when you feel lost or indecisive.
"Bible Study. Where do I start?": So you would like to study the bible, but you don’t know how to start. Join us as we discuss different methods and strategies for learning about and understanding God’s Word!
"Perk Me up": This breakout will include stamping and crafting. You will be creating a "perk me up" card pack you can share, and other surprises. This breakout is limited to 18 people due to project material preparation.
"Organizing the Faith": Have you wondered why there are so many Christian denominations, and how we can tell them apart? Who's a Lutheran, are we Protestants, what's an Evangelical? Join us to consider what it means to be 'filled with Christ' in these denominations.
"Christian Relationships: Grounded in Christ": This breakout is specifically geared to middle school and high school girls. Join two young women as they share what it means to be a Christian dating in our world today!