Living, Sharing, & Celebrating Christ's Love in Our Community

Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod 

  School  /  Classroom Pages  /  Mr. Fenrick  /  September 11 WebQuest  /  Teacher Page  /  Process
Look at the chart below.  Decide, with your partner, which areas you would like to research.  Remember, each of you need to choose TWO areas to research.
In order to get full credit for this part of the WebQuest, you will need to do the following:
1.  Use a minimum of two of the sites provided.
2.  Find a minimum of four facts from EACH site.
3.  Record the facts you find on this worksheet to be handed in.
   **On the worksheet, make sure you write down the entire web address!
You may find more information than is required.  That is fine.  Anything above and beyond the required minimum is always welcome!
See Chart on Student’s Process Page for links for research.
Once you have collected all of your research, you and your partner will work together to create a Powerpoint presentation.  Your Powerpoint is required to have the following:
1.  A title slide, including a picture
2.  A minimum of four slides showing your information
3.  At least two more pictures somewhere in the Powerpoint
4.  A works cited slide, listing the websites you used to gather your information
Once you have completed your Powerpoint, you will be sharing the information with the class.
You and your partner also need to create something to commemorate the victims of the September 11 attacks.  This is your choosing.  Some ideas might include: a mural, a poem, a music video, or a collage.  Please remember that this is supposed to commemorate the victims so be sure that whatever you do is done in good taste.  You will show this as part of your presentation to the class.
Students should have some prior knowledge of the events of September 11, 2001.
Allow a minimum of two days for the students to research their given topics.  Students should be warned that they may encounter some facts / information that does not show the U.S. in a favorable light.  They will need to evaluate the information to see if it is worth putting in their presentations.
Allow a minimum of three days in the computer lab to work on the Powerpoint presentations.  This time will vary depending on your students’ knowledge of the software.
Allow another day in class for presentations.
The students may need some direction when developing a commemoration display.  Guide them towards their individual strengths (ie. artistic).
1.  Change the number of required sites.
2.  Change the number of required facts.
3.  Place a time limit on how long the presentation must be.